domingo, 4 de junio de 2017


Resultado de imagen para imagen de luis fonsi
Luis Alfonso Rodriguez, mejor conocido como Luis Fonsi, es un cantante y compositor nacido en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el 15 de abril de 1978. Sus padres Alfonso y Delia y sus hermanos Jean Carlos y Tatiana le apoyaron desde muy pequeño en sus intereses por la música quien por ese entonces sorprendía a todos por sus imitaciones de artistas como el grupo menudo.

Con tan solo seis años de edad fue integrante del coro de niños de San Juan, años más tarde, se muda con su familia a Orlando sin saber ni una palabra de inglés pero al mes ya luego de adaptarse a una nueva ciudad y cultura su inglés era fluido y sin acento. 

Al crecer su amor por la música creció con él y consiguió entrar en la Universidad Estatal de Florida para cursar estudios profesionales en cuanto a la música y ser formalmente lo que quiso ser desde pequeño, se preparó en áreas como solfeo, canto, composición y apreciación de la música, culminando sus estudios con éxito y que colaborarían sin duda para convertirlo en el profesional de la música en el que se ha convertido hoy en día.
Resultado de imagen para imagen de luis fonsi



domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017



The food that she or he has bought but has not eaten up of places as shopping, supermarket, food shops, restaurants, snack bars, it is considered to as a “food waste”.
Food wastage is a problem worldwide, it is not just financial also social and political, it is caused by a bad functioning of supply chains and also by bad routine of purchase and consumption, on the other hand, the bad publicity of the products or processed foods, do not allow that person the buy and as a result, those products can expire.

Each year around the world is estimated that 1.3 billion tonnes of food are lost or wasted this is one-third of all the food produced by the human. Global quantitative food losses and waste for each commodity group per year that approximately 30% of cereals is wasted that is to say in  industrialized countries, consumers throw away 286 million tonnes of cereal products; in Europa alone 29 million tonnes of dairy are lost or wasted every year equate to 20% dairy products on the other hand 35% fish and seafood an estimated 8% of fish caught globally is thrown back the sea, in most cases they are dead dying or badly damaged; also the 263 million tonnes of meat produced globally, over 20% is lost or wasted; every year the developing countries one 22% of oilseeds and pulses is lost; in North America and Oceania alone 5814000 tonnes of roots and tubers are wasted at the consumption stage alone.

The environment is one of the largest affected by food wasted since this involve the use of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides that kills plants and animals, more fuel used for the transformations and transportation of products; creating more methane a dangerous gas and one of the most harmful greenhouse gases that contributes to climate change, in addition, the industries of foods energy wasted per create too many products moreover in the agricultural sector about half of the water used to produce this food also goes to waste; all these make a significant contribution to global warming.

It is important to take preventive measures so that this problem is not increasing for example in the agricultural sectors can reduce the amount of food, industries producing needed food for daily consumption and finally, people can buy enough food it should be that wasted food can serve as fertilizer for plants and animal feed.

Resultado de imagen para desperdicio de alimentos

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 LUIS FONSI Luis Alfonso Rodriguez , mejor conocido como   Luis Fonsi , es un cantante y compositor nacido en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el...